We Provide Debt Solutions


37 Years of Experience

Attorney Bob Schaller has more than 37 years of legal experience.

Affordable Prices

Reasonable Chapter 7 prices and convenient payment plans.

Help Made Simple

Enjoy the convenience of a hybrid virtual law firm.

Bankruptcy Justice Law Firm


Bankruptcy Justice Law Firm

STOP THE MADNESS. STOP bill collectors from calling and harassing you. STOP wage garnishments that take your hard-earned pay. STOP lawsuits filed against you by unsecured creditors. STOP bank levies that freeze your bank accounts.

ELIMINATE credit card debts. ELIMINATE medical bills. ELIMINATE landlord debt. ELIMINATE vehicle repossession deficiencies. ELIMINATE foreclosure-related personal deficiencies.

Millions of Americans have filed Chapter 7 bankruptcy to stop the madness and eliminate debts. Common reasons for filing Chapter 7 include unemployment, excessive medical debts, seriously overextended credit cards, marital problems, and more.

The Firm is here to help you earn a FRESH START and become DEBT FREE. We start the process by meeting with you to better understand your financial problems. Next, we review your bills, lawsuits, notices, summons, and other financial documents. The Bankruptcy Justice Law Firm will discuss success options with you. If Chapter 7 is the right option for you, we will explain the Chapter 7 bankruptcy process before drafting the official bankruptcy documents. The Bankruptcy Justice Law Firm will hold your hand during the process and guide you along a successful path.

Put your trust in our lawyers as 3,000+ other Americans have done! Just contact us to get started down the path toward a FRESH START and become DEBT FREE.

Solid Lawyers


The Bankruptcy Justice Law Firm lawyers are highly educated, having graduated from undergraduate college and from law school.  Each has passed the bar examination. The Firm’s lawyers are all licensed attorneys authorized to practice law in their respective state. They take pride in providing professional services with reasonable care and skill while honoring their duty of loyalty and duty of confidentiality.

Save Money

The Bankruptcy Justice Law Firm provides services at reasonable rates that are substantially below BigLaw’s exorbitant hourly rates. You can save money with fair fees that are typically only a fraction of BigLaw’s fees. Talk to the Firm about the possibility of alternative fee arrangements, including flat fees, hourly-rate fees, and limited scope representations.

Top Results


The Bankruptcy Justice Law Firm strives for the highest levels of service and technical skills. They understand the legal challenges you face and offer a flexible approach to complex legal environment. They will hep you find the right solutions, quickly and efficiently. Our firm knows that every client is different. The Firm tailors their services to meet each client’s specific needs.

Is the Bankruptcy Justice Law Firm the Best Choice for You?


Take the simple 6-question quiz to determine whether the Bankruptcy Justice Law Firm is right for you.  Prospective clients who would benefit from our help should answer affirmatively to most of the questions below. It is important to choose the right attorney to help.


Client satisfaction is the most important feature of the Bankruptcy Justice Law Firm. We understand that legal issues can be stressful and the legal process can seem daunting. That's why the Bankruptcy Justice Law Firm provides one-on-one attorney/client interactions. You should expect the best attention, time, and performance.  We want every client to be highly satisfied so that they will refer their friends and family!

1 / 6

You want a lawyer who will take the time to talk with you about your legal issues and identify the solutions you are seeking.

2 / 6

You are searching for a solid attorney that has the technical skill to provide you legal solutions.

3 / 6

You demand that your lawyer provide legal services at reasonable rates.

4 / 6

You want to pay the lowest reasonable legal fee to file Chapter 7.

5 / 6

You want a lawyer that will help you find the right solution, quickly and efficiently.

6 / 6

You want convenience when working with your lawyer, including the ability to Zoom conference and meet with the lawyer virtually/remotely.

Your score is


Affordable Chapter 7 Bankruptcy Fees

Let us help solve your legal debt problems.